-- Today: Implement a sorting algorithm and verify its correctness.

-- (a) first implement, then separately verify correctness
-- (b) correct by construction

data List (A : Set) : Set where
  []  : List A
  _∷_ : A  List A  List A

data _⊎_ (A B : Set) : Set where
  left  : A  A  B
  right : B  A  B

-- Goal: Define sort : ??? → List A → List A.

module Implementation
  {A : Set}
  (_≤_ : A  A  Set)    -- for values x, y : A, the type "x ≤ y" is the
                         -- type of witnesses that x is less than or equal to y
  (cmp : (x y : A)  (x  y)  (y  x)) where

  -- Given an ordered list "ys", "insert x ys" is the same as "ys", but with
  -- "x" inserted at the correct place to ensure that the resulting
  -- list is again sorted.
  insert : A  List A  List A
  insert x []       = x  []   -- in Haskell, this would be written "[x]"
  insert x (y  ys) with cmp x y
  ... | left  x≤y = x  (y  ys)
  ... | right y≤x = y  insert x ys

  sort : List A  List A
  sort []       = []
  sort (x  xs) = insert x (sort xs)

module Verification
  {A : Set}
  (_≤_ : A  A  Set)    -- for values x, y : A, the type "x ≤ y" is the
                         -- type of witnesses that x is less than or equal to y
  (cmp : (x y : A)  (x  y)  (y  x)) where
  open Implementation _≤_ cmp

  -- "IsOrdered xs" is the type of witnesses that the list "xs" is ordered.
  -- This type is empty if and only if the list is not ordered.
  data IsOrdered : List A  Set where
    empty     : IsOrdered []
    singleton : {x : A}  IsOrdered (x  [])
    cons      : {x y : A} {ys : List A}  x  y  IsOrdered (y  ys)  IsOrdered (x  (y  ys))

  lemma₀ : (x y : A) (ys : List A)  y  x  IsOrdered (y  ys)  IsOrdered (y  insert x ys)
  lemma₀ x y []       y≤x p = cons y≤x singleton
  lemma₀ x y (z  ys) y≤x (cons y≤z q) with cmp x z
  ... | left  x≤z = cons y≤x (cons x≤z q)
  ... | right z≤x = cons y≤z (lemma₀ x z ys z≤x q)

  -- Given an ordered list "ys", "insert x ys" is the same as "ys", but with
  -- "x" inserted at the correct place to ensure that the resulting
  -- list is again sorted.
  lemma : (x : A) (ys : List A)  IsOrdered ys  IsOrdered (insert x ys)
  lemma x []       p = singleton
  lemma x (y  ys) p with cmp x y
  ... | left  x≤y = cons x≤y p
  ... | right y≤x = lemma₀ x y ys y≤x p

  theorem : (xs : List A)  IsOrdered (sort xs)
  theorem []       = empty
  theorem (x  xs) = lemma x (sort xs) (theorem xs)

  cheatsort : List A  List A
  cheatsort xs = []

  cheattheorem : (xs : List A)  IsOrdered (cheatsort xs)
  cheattheorem xs = empty

  example-lemma : IsOrdered []
  example-lemma = empty

  example-lemma' : {a b c : A} → a ≤ b → b ≤ c → IsOrdered (a ∷ (b ∷ (c ∷ [])))
  example-lemma' p q = cons p (cons q singleton)

module CorrectByConstruction
  {A : Set}
  (_≤_ : A  A  Set)    -- for values x, y : A, the type "x ≤ y" is the
                         -- type of witnesses that x is less than or equal to y
  (min : A) (min≤ : {x : A}  min  x)
  (cmp : (x y : A)  (x  y)  (y  x))

  -- "OList l" is the type of ordered lists of elements of A which are bounded from below by l
  -- (that is, all elements need to be ≥ l).
  data OList (l : A) : Set where
    nil  : OList l
    cons : (x : A)  l  x  OList x  OList l

  insert : {l : A}  (x : A)  l  x  OList l  OList l
  insert x l≤x nil             = cons x l≤x nil
  insert x l≤x (cons y l≤y ys) with cmp x y
  ... | left  x≤y = cons x l≤x (cons y x≤y ys)
  ... | right y≤x = cons y l≤y (insert x y≤x ys)

  sort : List A  OList min
  sort []       = nil
  sort (x  xs) = insert x min≤ (sort xs)

  cheatsort : List A  OList min
  cheatsort xs = nil

  toList : {l : A} → OList l → List A
  toList nil           = []
  toList (cons x p xs) = x ∷ toList xs