{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Bool.Base where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Data.Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Sum.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Unit.Base
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.Base
open import Agda.Builtin.Bool public
ℓ : Level
A : Type ℓ
infixr 6 _and_
infixr 5 _or_
infix 0 if_then_else_
not : Bool → Bool
not true = false
not false = true
_or_ : Bool → Bool → Bool
false or x = x
true or _ = true
_and_ : Bool → Bool → Bool
false and _ = false
true and x = x
_⊕_ : Bool → Bool → Bool
false ⊕ x = x
true ⊕ x = not x
if_then_else_ : Bool → A → A → A
if true then x else y = x
if false then x else y = y
_≟_ : Discrete Bool
false ≟ false = yes refl
false ≟ true = no λ p → subst (λ b → if b then ⊥ else Bool) p true
true ≟ false = no λ p → subst (λ b → if b then Bool else ⊥) p true
true ≟ true = yes refl
Dec→Bool : Dec A → Bool
Dec→Bool (yes p) = true
Dec→Bool (no ¬p) = false
Bool→Type : Bool → Type₀
Bool→Type true = Unit
Bool→Type false = ⊥
Bool→Type* : Bool → Type ℓ
Bool→Type* true = Unit*
Bool→Type* false = ⊥*
True : Dec A → Type₀
True Q = Bool→Type (Dec→Bool Q)
False : Dec A → Type₀
False Q = Bool→Type (not (Dec→Bool Q))
toWitness : {Q : Dec A} → True Q → A
toWitness {Q = yes p} _ = p
toWitnessFalse : {Q : Dec A} → False Q → ¬ A
toWitnessFalse {Q = no ¬p} _ = ¬p
dichotomyBool : (x : Bool) → (x ≡ true) ⊎ (x ≡ false)
dichotomyBool true = inl refl
dichotomyBool false = inr refl
dichotomyBoolSym : (x : Bool) → (x ≡ false) ⊎ (x ≡ true)
dichotomyBoolSym false = inl refl
dichotomyBoolSym true = inr refl