{-# OPTIONS --cubical --allow-unsolved-meta #-}

open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything

data  : Set where
  zero : 
  succ :   

data UnorderedPair (X : Set) : Set where
  pair : (a b : X)  UnorderedPair X
  swap : (a b : X)  pair a b  pair b a

data  : Set where

-- EXERCISE: Implement "cong". Because the name "cong" is already
-- exported from the standard library, we use a different name.
cong' : {X Y : Set} {a b : X}  (f : X  Y)  a  b  f a  f b
cong' = {!!}

-- EXERCISE: Show that zero is not succ zero.
-- With the inductive definition of _≡_ we used before, this required
-- an empty pattern. Now that _≡_ is no longer inductively defined,
-- but an in-built notion, we cannot case split on equality witnesses.
-- Instead, proceed as follows:
-- 1. Define a function "disambig : ℕ → Set" which maps zero to ⊥
--    and everything else to some inhabited type.
-- 2. Assuming that there is a path "zero ≡ succ zero", combine
--    "transport" from the standard library and "disambig":
--        transport : {A B : Set} → A ≡ B → A → B
-- Note that "symm" is spelt "sym" in the cubical standard library
-- and "trans" is written as the binary operator "∙" (\.).
lemma-nontrivial : zero  succ zero  
lemma-nontrivial p = {!!}

-- EXERCISE: Show that the unordered pair abstraction
-- is not leaky, in the sense that there cannot be a
-- function which would extract the first component
-- of an unordered pair.
lemma-not-leaky : (f : UnorderedPair   ) (p : (a b : )  f (pair a b)  a)  
lemma-not-leaky = {!!}

-- EXERCISE: Show that negations are propositions, in the following sense.
isProp' : Set  Set
isProp' X = (a b : X)  a  b

lemma-negations-are-props : (X : Set)  isProp' (X  )
lemma-negations-are-props = {!!}

-- EXERCISE: Show that 𝟙 and Interval are the same, in the following sense.
data 𝟙 : Set where
  * : 𝟙

data Interval : Set where
  left  : Interval
  right : Interval
  path  : left  right

toInterval : 𝟙  Interval
toInterval * = left

fromInterval : Interval  𝟙
fromInterval _ = *

is-iso₁ : (x : 𝟙)  fromInterval (toInterval x)  x
is-iso₁ = {!!}

is-iso₂ : (x : Interval)  toInterval (fromInterval x)  x
is-iso₂ = {!!}

-- EXERCISE: Show that ℕ is discrete, in the following sense.
isDiscrete : Set  Set
isDiscrete X = (a b : X)  isProp' (a  b)

Code :     Set
Code zero     zero     = 𝟙
Code zero     (succ y) = 
Code (succ x) zero     = 
Code (succ x) (succ y) = Code x y

fromCode : (a b : )  Code a b  a  b
fromCode a b p = {!!}

ref : (a : )  Code a a
ref a = {!!}

-- Hint: Use "J" or "transport"!
toCode : (a b : )  a  b  Code a b
toCode = {!!}

lemma-ℕ-discrete : isDiscrete 
lemma-ℕ-discrete = {!!}