{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

  Plan for today:
  1. mutable state
  2. miniature Agda in Agda
  3. all your questions

open import Padova2024.EquationalReasoning

-- Let's say we want to keep track of mutable state of some type S.

data _×_ (X Y : Set) : Set where
  _,_ : X  Y  X × Y

data  : Set where
  tt : 

  idea: instead of f : X → Y, have:

  f : X → S → S × Y
  f x s = (new value of state , result of computation)

data  : Set where
  zero : 
  succ :   

_+_ :     
zero   + b = b
succ a + b = succ (a + b)

module _ where private
  tick : {X : Set}  X     × X
  tick x s = (succ s , x)

-- Idea: Introduce a type "State S X" of computations which result in a value
-- of type X, but require mutable state of type S.
State : Set  Set  Set
State S X = S  S × X

_>>=_ : {S X Y : Set}  State S X  (X  State S Y)  State S Y
(f >>= h) s with f s
... | s' , y = h y s'

_>>_ : {S X Y : Set}  State S X  State S Y  State S Y
f >> g = f >>= λ _  g

-- "return" reads a value x : X as input and outputs a stateful computation
-- which, without mutating the threaded state, results in the same value x.
-- Note that this function is NOT related to the keyword for
-- prematurely exiting a subroutine from many imperative programming languages.
return : {S X : Set}  X  State S X
return x s = s , x

get : {S : Set}  State S S
get s = s , s

put : {S : Set}  S  State S 
put s' s = s' , tt

modify : {S : Set}  (S  S)  State S 
modify f s = f s , tt

module _ where private
    X Y Z : Set
    S : Set

    f : X  State S Y
    g : Y  State S Z

  h : X  State S Z
  h x = f x >>= g

    y = f x;
    g y
  h' : X  State S Z
  h' x = do
    y  f x
    z  g y
  -- "overloading semicolon"

-- The type of binary trees, with leaves labelled with elements of X.
data Tree (X : Set) : Set where
  leaf : X  Tree X
  fork : Tree X  Tree X  Tree X

-- The "sum" function below sums the values at all leaves, while simultaneously
-- keeping track of the total number of leaves in the form of mutable state.

tick : State  
tick = do
  count  get
  put (succ count)
-- shorter: tick = modify succ

sum : Tree   State  
sum (leaf x) = do
  return x
sum (fork left right) = do
  leftSum   sum left
  rightSum  sum right
  return (leftSum + rightSum)

exampleTree : Tree 
exampleTree = fork (fork (leaf 4) (leaf 5)) (leaf 6)

_ : sum exampleTree 0  (3 , 15)
_ = refl