{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}


open import Padova2024.EquationalReasoning

data  : Set where
  zero : 
  succ :   

data _⊎_ (X Y : Set) : Set where
  left  : X  X  Y
  right : Y  X  Y

data Empty : Set where

-- "Fin n" will be a datatype consisting of exactly n many inhabitants.
data Fin :   Set where
  zero : {n : }  Fin (succ n)
  succ : {n : }  Fin n  Fin (succ n)

module _ where private
  example-0 : Fin (succ (succ (succ zero)))
  example-0 = zero

  example-1 : Fin (succ (succ (succ zero)))
  example-1 = succ zero

  example-2 : Fin (succ (succ (succ zero)))
  example-2 = succ (succ zero)

-- The Agda datatype of terms in PA.
-- More precisely: "Term n" is the type of PA-terms with n free variables.
data Term (n : ) : Set where
  Z : Term n
  S : Term n  Term n             -- S (S (S Z))
  _+_ : Term n  Term n  Term n  -- s + t
  _·_ : Term n  Term n  Term n  -- s · t
  var : Fin n  Term n

-- The Agda datatype of formulas in PA
-- More precisely: "Form n" will be the Agda datatype of PA-formulas with n free variables.
data Form (n : ) : Set where
      : Form n
      : Form n
  _∧_  : Form n  Form n  Form n
  _∨_  : Form n  Form n  Form n
  _⇒_ : Form n  Form n  Form n
  FA   : Form (succ n)  Form n  -- ∀
  TE   : Form (succ n)  Form n  -- ∃
  _≈_  : Term n  Term n  Form n

-- "For every number x, for every number y, x + y = 0."
ex' : Form zero
ex' = FA (FA ((var (succ zero) + var zero)  Z))

Env :   Set
Env n = Fin n  

eval₀ : {n : }  Env n  Term n  
eval₀ env Z       = zero
eval₀ env (S s)   = succ (eval₀ env s)
eval₀ env (s + t) = {!!}
eval₀ env (s · t) = {!!}
eval₀ env (var x) = env x

-- "eval env φ" should be the Agda proposition that the PA-formula φ is true (wrt the given environment).
eval : {n : }  Env n  Form n  Set
eval env         = {!!}
eval env         = Empty
eval env (φ  ψ)  = {!!}
eval env (φ  ψ)  = eval env φ  eval env ψ
eval env (φ  ψ) = eval env φ  eval env ψ
eval env (FA φ)   = (n : )  eval  { zero  n ; (succ i)  env i }) φ
eval env (TE φ)   = {!!}
eval env (s  t)  = eval₀ env s  eval₀ env t
-- "s ≡ t" is NOT what we mean, for instance Z and Z + Z would be deemed NON-equal.

 : Env zero

-- "For every number x, x = x."
ex : Form zero
ex = FA (var zero  var zero)

ex-sound : eval  ex
ex-sound = λ n  refl

  Let's introduce the Agda datatype of PA-proofs.

  "x ≈ x ⊢ x ≈ x"
  means: assuming x ≈ x, we have x ≈ x.

  "x ≈ y ⊢ y ≈ x"
  means: assuming x ≈ y, we have y ≈ x.
  more precisely: There is a PA-proof of the claim that y ≈ x under the assumption x ≈ y.

  "x ≈ Z ⊢ x + x ≈ Z"
  "⊢ (x ≈ Z ⇒ x + x ≈ Z)"
data _⊢_ : {n : }  Form n  Form n  Set where   -- \vdash
  identity : {n : } {φ : Form n}  φ  φ
  disj-introₗ : {n : } {φ ψ : Form n}  φ  (φ  ψ)
    : {n : } {φ ψ χ : Form n}
     (φ  ψ)
     (φ  χ)
     (φ  (ψ  χ))
  add₀ :   FA (((var zero) + Z)  var zero)
  mul₀ :   FA (((var zero) · Z)  Z)
  lem : {n : } {φ : Form n}  (  (φ  (φ  )))
                                       -- ^^^^^^^
                                       --   ¬ φ

module _ (law-of-excluded-middle : {X : Set}  X  (X  Empty)) where
  sound : {n : } (α β : Form n) (env : Env n)  (α  β)  (eval env α  eval env β)
  sound α β env p = {!!}
-- Next time we will do better than appealing to the law of excluded middle,
-- by exploring the sarcastic interpretation of Peano Arithmetic.